HSCT With Omidubicel Achieved Robust Immune Reconstitution and Lower Rates of Severe Infection Compared to UCB Transplantation


Expert hematologist/oncologist Paul Szabolcs, MD, reviews positive data from a clinical trial comparing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and omidubicel with standard cord blood transplantation.

Paul Szabolcs, MD, discusses data from the following study:

  • Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) With Omidubicel Is Associated With Robust Immune Reconstitution and Lower Rates of Severe Infection Compared to Standard Umbilical Cord Blood [UCB] Transplantation (ASH 2021, Dec 11-14. Abstract 333)
    • The objective of this study is to report the efficacy of HSCT with omidubicel as compared to standard umbilical cord blood transplantation in patients with hematologic malignancies.
    • The limitations of cord blood transplantation are delayed hematopoietic and immune recovery and increased transplant-related mortality, although a robust recovery of NK [natural killer] cells is evident.
    • Omidubicel is an advanced cell therapy for allogeneic HSCT that preserves stem cell function to optimize homing, engraftment, and differentiation.
    • Conclusions:
      • HSCT with omidubicel results in rapid hematopoietic recovery, reduced rates of infections, and no increase in GvHD [graft-versus-host disease] rates compared with standard UCB transplantation.
      • In the immediate post-transplant period, immune cell recovery was significantly faster with omidubicel compared with standard UCB transplantation despite receiving a lower number of T cells at transplant.
      • Enhanced recovery of circulatory mDC [myeloid dendritic cells], pDC [plasmacytoid dendritic cells], NK, and CD4+ T cells within the first 28 days, and sustained B-cell recovery from Day 28 through the first year, were observed.
      • These results demonstrate rapid and functional reconstitution of T- and B-cell subsets following transplant with omidubicel, which provides mechanistic support for the lower rates of severe infection observed in the omidubicel-treated patients.
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